Prof Pack
White clover "Euromic"
White clover "Euromic" - Trifolium repens. Premium quality. Perennial undersized plant (15-50 cm) with a long creeping branching stem and white inflorescences. Clover lawn is easy to care for and can be mowed very infrequently witho..
White evening primrose
Pale evening-primrose - Oenothera pallida. Perennial grown in our northern climate as an annual. Medium-sized plant (30 cm) with erect and stiffly pubescent stems and oval-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are white, large (4-6 cm in diameter), s..
White Garden Speedwell "Alba"
Long-leaved Speedwell "Alba" - Veronica longifolia. Few plants cause so few problems and are so widespread as Speedwell. You cannot do without it when creating modern flower arrangements. It will take a worthy place on a rocky hill and i..
White marsh marigold
White marsh marigold - Caltha leptosepala. Water- or marshplants. III-IV, Z3-7, 20 cm. White, often outside bluish. The increased interest in the landscape style of gardens has forced flower growers to turn their attention to ornamental plants, r..
Prof Pack
White microclover "Rivendel"
White micro-clover "Rivendel" - Trifolium repens. Small-leaf clover, better known as microclover, is a professional revolutionary discovery of breeders that solved the problems of trampling and frequent mowing. Differs from the ..
White Wood Aster
White Wood Aster - Aster divaricatus (Eurybia). Perennial plant from the Asteraceae family. Origin: forests of Canada and the eastern part of the USA. Flowering plant height: 50-70 cm. Natural flowering period: September - October. Win..
Wild calla lily (bog arum)
Marsh calla (water arum, wild calla) - Calla palustris. It grows along marshy shores and in sedge bogs in the temperate zone of Europe, Asia and North America. The rhizome is thick, jointed, creeping, green, located on the surface of the soil...
Wild sage "Rose Queen" (Balkan clary, woodland sage, may night sage)
Woodland sage "Rose Queen" (Wild sage, Balkan clary) - Salvia nemorosa. Special Features: numerous spikes with dozens of distinctive pinkish blossoms.  Colour: hood-shaped, pink blossoms.  Natural Flowering Period: June - ..
Wild thyme "Honey" (Creeping thyme, Breckland thyme)
Creeping thyme - Thymus serpyllum. Helps with insomnia and nervous overload. Perennial spice and medicinal plant. Contains essential oil, mineral salts (Mg, K, Ca), ascorbic acid, flavonoids. The growing season from full germination to the la..
Willow gentian "Pink Swallow"
Willow gentian "Pink Swallow" - Gentiana asclepiadea. Exquisite, rich pink colour! A perennial plant up to 80 cm tall, with oblong-oval, pointed leaves up to 6-9 cm long. Forms many shoots. Winter-hardy. ​Good in combination with saxifra..
Windflower (Narcissus-flowered anemone)
Windflower - Anemone narcissiflora. A perennial plant up to 30-40 cm tall with a thick vertical rhizome and a mass of fibrous roots. The leaves are palmately dissected. Numerous flower stalks (from 3 to 8) rise above the rosette of beautifully pubes..
Winged broom
Winged broom - Genista sagittalis. Family: Papilionaceae. Origin: Southern Europe: dry meadows, nutrient-poor pastures. This is a very decorative species - a branched, creeping shrub with evergreen leaves. At the ends of the branches in June - Jul..
Winter aconite
Winter aconite - Eranthis hyemalis. Plant height is 10-15 cm. Flowering time: March. Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z7. 1,0 g = 220 seeds. Name: comes from the Greek words "er" - spring and "anthos" - flower, and indicates ..
Woodland sage "Merleau Blue" (Balkan clary)
Balkan clary "Merleau Blue" (Woodland sage) - Salvia nemorosa. A spectacular garden perennial for sunny places. Perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Origin: Europe, Asia, Middle East (dry meadows, slopes, roadsides). Special ch..
Woodland sage "Merleau Rose" (Balkan clary)
Balkan clary "Merleau Rose" (Woodland sage) - Salvia nemorosa. A spectacular garden perennial for sunny places. Perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Origin: Europe, Asia, Middle East (dry meadows, slopes, roadsides). Special ch..
Woodland sage "Merleau White" (Balkan clary)
Balkan clary "Merleau White" (Woodland sage) - Salvia nemorosa. A spectacular garden perennial for sunny places. Perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Origin: Europe, Asia, Middle East (dry meadows, slopes, roadsides). Special c..
Woolly hedgenettle (Lamb's Ears)
Woolly lambs ear (woolly betony, woundwort) - Stachys byzantina = Stachys lanata = Stachys olympica. Decoration for any composition! Perennial rhizome plant 30-40 cm high with decorative silvery winter leaves from the Lamiaceae famil..
Wormwood "Silverado" (Absinthe)
Absinthe "Silverado" (Common wormwood) - Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood bushes are very pleasant to perceive, they smell good, especially in dry weather, on a sunny day. Wormwood blooms in July-August. As a medicinal plant, it is..
Wormwood (Absinthe)
Absinthe (Common wormwood) - Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood bushes are very pleasant to perceive, they smell good, especially in dry weather, on a sunny day. Wormwood blooms in July-August. As a medicinal plant, it is mentioned even by anc..
Yellow bellflower
Yellow bellflower - Campanula thyrsoides. Flower colour: white cream. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Natural flowering period: July - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z4 – Z8. Soil requirements: well-drained, average fertility. The flowers..
Yellow Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower - Echinacea paradoxa var. paradoxa: the only yellow echinacea in the genus, a feature of which is a lower frost resistance than other echinaceas. An upright perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Rocky slopes of Missouri, ..
Yellow Flag Iris
Yellow Flag Iris - Iris pseudacorus. Perennial from the Iridaceae family. Flower colour: yellow-gold. Natural flowering period: June - July. Flowering plant height: 100 cm. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z9. Use: on the banks of water bodies, sui..
Yellow Wax Bells
Yellow Wax Bells - Kirengeshoma palmata. Family: Hydrangeaceae. Flowering plant height: 60-90 cm. Natural flowering period: August – October. Use: good for cutting. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 – Z8. 1.0 g = 450 seeds. Homeland: Japa..
Yellow Whitlow Grass
Yellow Whitlow Grass - Draba aizoides. An evergreen perennial for rock gardens from the Brassicaceae family. Origin: Europe. Distinguishing Features: very early flowering plant with flowers similar in shape to Erysimum. Foliage: small, linea..
Yorkshire fog
Yorkshire fog - Holcus lanatus. An ornamental plant up to 70 cm high from the Poaceae family. Forms dense, spreading turf. Vegetative shoots are numerous, densely foliated. Flowering stems are numerous, thin, strong, pubescent, with bare nodes..
Showing 476 to 500 of 507 (21 Pages)